An expert in her field
Carrie Cooper is an expert in her field. She flew down to my house in Florida after another big move and reorganized my whole life. Carrie has been a part of three big events in our family; coming to our previous home in NJ several times after one move and before a baby was born. Her work is invaluable. You only have to simply answer her questions and then let her eager hands begin their work! She is so talented in understanding daily life and getting your house entirely set up in a purely functional way. Trusting her expertise and guidance will produce amazing results. Carrie has an answer for all of your concerns and her ideas are limitless; she has a solution for everything and I mean everything! She can look at any corner, closet or area and have a vision to see it functioning at its max. She guides you through the process of “what’s not working” and steers you in the direction of “what is?” I couldn’t be more satisfied with her work, suggestions and her skill of organizing. She even can suggest some incredible decor tips that will get your wheels turning! Now that I am better organized, cleaning and daily life are easier because everything has a place. Carrie is a star and I recommend her to anyone who wants help when they are bombarded with ‘stuff ‘- you will feel clean, happy and appreciate simple living!