Bearing Burdens Together

Hi friends! No matter where you live, we are all likely seeing something similar these days: backpacks. Different sizes for different kids of different ages in different schools. My own children would always start the academic year with a light backpack, but get off the bus days later weighed down (almost to the ground!) with lots of books. They went from being excited for the new season to heavy laden in trying to bear an unexpected burden. I remember asking if I could help ease their struggle by taking some things out for them as they slowly walked home.
This imagery reminds me of a Bible verse found in Galatians 6:2. Believers are instructed to carry each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ – which is love. This word refers to the things we cannot – and are not meant to – handle on our own. However, in verse 5 the word burden is translated ‘load’ which refers to a much smaller amount. It’s actually the same word used for a soldier’s rucksack; each one is expected to carry their own without his buddy helping him.
What about us? Notice what God does NOT say: that we will forego having to carry the heaviness of grief in this earthly life. It could be that we have financial problems, relationship issues, an illness, brain-based challenges or a loss. When our load becomes burdensome though, we sometimes refuse to allow anyone to help us. We tend to be self-reliant and prideful; we don’t want to bother anyone. Another problem occurs when we wrongly expect others to carry everything for us. This results in us being critical, resentful, frustrated, discouraged, angry or depressed. We may need to take more responsibility for our own stuff.
What about them? The word burden from verse 2 comes from the Greek word ‘baros’, which means a weight. To bear a burden means to take away the weight of what someone else is experiencing. In essence, we are to bring some form of relief to another person’s crushing situation. However, we can be so self-focused and absorbed in our own troubles that we aren’t even aware that someone else is sagging under a cumbersome weight. Or, we may step into a comparison mentality. We tend to judge by what we see on the outside – great kids, an organized home, along with amazing pictures on social media. From the outside, their backpack seems lightweight and easy to carry around. We may be utterly shocked to find out what they are really dealing with on the inside.
Everyone has burdens to carry. All we need to do is simply reach out for help when the emotional weight gets exhausting. Other times, we can offer a hand to someone when they seem overwhelmed – and check in even when they don’t. We simply show up humbly, listen intently and ask what we can do. Coming alongside them with compassion, patience and LOVE lifts them up and lightens the load. We don’t have to take their backpack on our shoulders, try to fix the situation, or heal their pain – only God can do that. He does His part, and we do ours. He takes care of the rest.
Coaching Connection:
- How do you respond when your load gets unbearable?
- What could you do to help ease the burden of another?
To Your Growth,
Image by JimeJume by Getty Images