Taking A Time Out

Hello friends – so many people I talk to want life to be different, yet they feel really stuck. When I ask what’s in the way, they often say they don’t know. They list everything that hasn’t worked: why they can’t change, what others have done, or how they have no time. But the real issue? They seldom take time to connect with themselves and God. They don’t know how to ‘take a time out’ to give their brain a break, still their soul and process what’s going on deep within. They keep going through the motions, letting their feelings overrun their lives.
When I work with clients, I hear a lot of “I can’t, I don’t, I won’t.” They don’t think about what inspires them, where their strengths lie, how the Holy Spirit empowers them, why their goals matter, or when they will start to do something different. I get it – I stayed in the same mindset for years. My focus would always be on what was wrong, what I might lose, or what felt impossible. I had no idea what my needs were, what I valued, or how to navigate life well. I didn’t think anything would every change… until it did.
Working with a life coach helped me realize I’d been letting my out of control feelings drive my decisions. I had spent years pretending problems didn’t exist, thinking they’d disappear on their own. (No wonder I was filled with anxiety all the time!) I learned how taking a time out in a quiet space gave me a chance to step away, calm down, and process. I gained skills to be able to put those heavy emotions in the back seat where they belonged.
This reminds me of Nehemiah, a strong leader in the Bible. He faced impossible odds in rebuilding Jerusalem, yet he didn’t ignore his emotions. Nehemiah often took a time out with God; weeping, fasting, praying, worshiping, and realigning his heart with His before moving forward (Nehemiah 1:4). What an inspiration for us. He constantly sought God, demonstrating the wisdom of having dedicated time to seek His guidance, which laid the groundwork for future actions.
We can do the same thing Nehemiah did, which will help us grow spiritually. It shifts our focus from all that’s wrong, to what’s truly possible. I gently challenge you to give it a try. I bet you’ll find that as you declutter your soul, your real needs and priorities will be reordered. Taking a time out will renew your mind, restore your emotions, and realign your values with the One who longs to know you more.
Coaching Connection:
- What would it look like to take a daily time out with God?
- How might life coaching help you get unstuck this year?
To Your Growth,
Image by KatarzynaBialasiewicz from Getty Images