What’s Your 20/20 Vision?

Hello friends – welcome to my new monthly Blog! As a Certified Professional Life Coach and Professional Organizer, I love working with overwhelmed people who need support in moving forward as they dig into the clutter of the home, mind, and soul. I especially love coaching women, helping them turn challenging life transitions, grief, & loss into personal growth. I’m looking forward to how the upcoming Blog posts will help you reach your goals.

At the beginning of this New Year, many of us are thinking about a fresh new start and a vision for what that might look like. Some of you may even have started to create a vision board (a tangible collage of images and words that represent goals and aspirations.) Regardless of what works for you, it is important to have a clear picture or plan of what you want to accomplish – otherwise, how can you ever get things done?

With all this in mind, I was thinking of something I started several years ago that that helped me greatly in a time of deep grief. It was my Word of the Year. What’s this? Well, two years ago I felt God inviting me to forget the New Year resolution list (which is often abandoned by mid-January anyway!) and instead consider ONE word for that entire year. One simple word to align my values & goals, and keep me accountable to my overall vision of living as a woman of faith, whatever each new day would bring. It would remind me of my vision and focus, and help guide my decisions and actions all year long. Awesome idea!

The word I first chose then was “dwell”, which became incredibly meaningful as a few months later I was thrown into the painful reality of my brothers’ suicide. I needed a ton of space, and would often sit quietly each morning (coffee in hand, of course) and simply rest in God’s presence. Honestly, nothing felt good at first, not for a long while. All my dreams and goals seemed to be frozen in time. Yet as I continued to show up, Jesus slowly helped me sort through the cluttered, tangled mess of emotions. He used my Word of the Year to bring hope and healing to my confused mind and wounded soul. Throughout the months, I would often ask myself what I needed that day, in order to continue to “dwell, well.” Having a single word for the year became very powerful for me. And it can be for you also.

Coaching Connection:

  1. What is the one word for the 20/20 vision you want for this New Year?
  2. How will you plan to use it, to deepen the intention you have for it?

I’d love to hear your responses!

To Your Growth,



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